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Course: eLearning in the Digital Age


Creation date: 13 Jan 2014

This study-unit will discuss various aspects of eLearning from the perspective of a social collaborative environment. What do we mean by the 'digital information age' and how can we design learning that is 'social' in a digitally networked community? In what ways can key sociologists like Freire, Bourdieu, Vygotsky and Wenger be interpreted for an e-Learning environment in this digital information age? These are some of the questions which this study unit aims to investigate by making use of a virtual, open and a discussion-based learning environment. The way we shall be structuring this study unit module is through a blend of a variety of modes and modalities that shall help us discuss how innovative pedagogies can help us teach AND learn in today's classroom.

Tags: eLearning
Number of participants: 45
Signed: 21  
Duration: 3 months (from 07 October 2013 to 13 January 2014)

The number of classes: 5
Recordings: 3

Location: Wings